In an earlier post, I announced that I had recorded a series of introductory Hammond Organ lessons for PianoGroove, and now I’m happy to share that Hayden and I finished post-production and the course launched a bit over a week ago! Anyone can check out some free material related to the course on PianoGroove’s site, and PianoGroove subscribers get access to the entire series of ten lessons.

You can also see my official teacher page on the PianoGroove site. While you’re there, check out the other teachers’ bios and see what great company I’m in! I’m very proud to contribute to the PianoGroove effort. One of the reasons I decided to work on this project is that their community forums show an engaged, communicative, curious student population that’s really open to thinking about music in a lot of different ways. It’s a fun bunch to be a part of and I feel like I’m just getting started on something that will be exciting for a long time to come.